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3 fun ways you can pass on essential money lessons to children

Published: June 28, 2024 by Jennifer Armstrong

As a parent or grandparent, you want the young children in your life to grow up to be happy and successful adults. A solid grasp of finances could set them off on the right track when they get older, but … Continue reading

Investment market update: June 2024

Published: by Jennifer Armstrong

2024 is a historic election year – elections will take place in 50 countries. More than 2 billion voters will head to the polls in countries including the UK, US, France, and South Africa throughout the year. Political uncertainty can … Continue reading

Why failing to remortgage could cost you hundreds of pounds every month

Published: by Jennifer Armstrong

When your current mortgage deal ends, ideally you want to review your mortgage options and potentially seek out a new deal. It’s a step that could cut your mortgage repayments by hundreds of pounds every month. Read on to find … Continue reading

More than half of homeowners don’t have enough life insurance to protect them

Published: by Jennifer Armstrong

Taking out a new mortgage is often a trigger for considering how you or your family would cope if you faced a financial shock. Yet, a report from Which? suggests that more than half of homeowners don’t have enough life … Continue reading

How to use life insurance to cover a future Inheritance Tax bill for your family

Published: by Jennifer Armstrong

The amount the government collects through Inheritance Tax (IHT) is on the rise, and freezes to allowances mean it’s expected to increase further. If your family could face a bill when you pass away, life insurance could provide a valuable … Continue reading