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3 fun ways you can pass on essential money lessons to children

Published: June 28, 2024 by Jennifer Armstrong

As a parent or grandparent, you want the young children in your life to grow up to be happy and successful adults. A solid grasp of finances could set them off on the right track when they get older, but … Continue reading

More than half of homeowners don’t have enough life insurance to protect them

Published: by Jennifer Armstrong

Taking out a new mortgage is often a trigger for considering how you or your family would cope if you faced a financial shock. Yet, a report from Which? suggests that more than half of homeowners don’t have enough life … Continue reading

How to use life insurance to cover a future Inheritance Tax bill for your family

Published: by Jennifer Armstrong

The amount the government collects through Inheritance Tax (IHT) is on the rise, and freezes to allowances mean it’s expected to increase further. If your family could face a bill when you pass away, life insurance could provide a valuable … Continue reading

Higher-rate taxpayers: Beware of the 60% tax trap

Published: by Jennifer Armstrong

The tapering of the Personal Allowance means some higher-rate taxpayers effectively pay an Income Tax rate of 60%, sometimes without realising. Fortunately, if you’re affected, there could be ways to reduce your tax bill. A report in the Telegraph suggests … Continue reading

Investment market update: May 2024

Published: May 30, 2024 by Jennifer Armstrong

On the back of data showing some countries have exited recessions at the end of the first quarter of 2024 and inflation falling, several market indexes reached record highs in May. Read on to find out what else may have … Continue reading